* 1.3.0 (2015-01-25) * Fix RDNS XSS * Fix ' ' being escaped by temporary patch (SHA a421a8e) * Fix 'REQUEST_URI' XSS (URL is now hard-coded via config) * Catch error when using IPv6 hostname with IPv4 command, and vice versa * Added .htaccess (fixes readable subdirectory) * Added sample Nginx configuration (fixes readable subdirectory) * GNU shred to create test files (fixes gzip and ssl compression) * Update configure.sh (add site url, sudo for centOS, and user:group chown) * Update cerulean and united to Bootstrap v2.3.2 * Update readable and spacelab to Bootstrap v2.2.1 * Update Jquery to v1.11.2 * Update XMLHttpRequest.js * 1.2.0 (2012-10-01) * Multiple themes * Rate limiting * 1.1.0 (2012-09-24) * Added --report-wide to MTR * Fix MTR on RHEL OS' * 1.0.0 (2012-09-23) * Added network commands * Automated install via bash script * Long polling via output buffering